So I recently read a book entitled Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Eker. Despite the fact that the book was one long advertisement for his "Millionaire Mind Intensive" seminars I found some very valuable information contained within it.
It should be no secret that the difference between a prosperous person and a poor person is mindset. How else can you explain how so many lottery winners end up broke and so many self-made millionaires who have lost everything end up gaining it all back. It's all about the mindset.
In Secrets of the Millionaire Mind T. Harv Eker points out the differences between the prosperity mindset and the poverty mindset. One of my favorite quotes from his book is this ... "Rich people play the money game to win, whereas, poor people play the money game NOT TO LOSE." That is such an important concept. How often do we get a "million dollar" idea and begin to take action and then start to worry that we'll "lose our initial investment" or "waste our time." This is the wrong attitude. Whether you're buying stocks or building a business you have to focus on WINNING THE GAME or MAKING MONEY on the investment instead of worrying about how much money you could lose. Sure, worst case scenario can always happen and you should prepare accordingly, but if this preparation engulfs your thoughts then you should take a step back and refocus on the best case scenario.
It's time to start playing the money game to win and stop playing the money game "not to lose."
Take Action. Take The Risk. Play To Win.
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