Let’s face it:
For most people… trying to “manifest their desires” through thinking, visualizing, acting, and so on according to the prevailing principles of leveraging the ‘Law of Attraction’ to their advantage seems to yield little result… if any result at all.
It seems to work for some people, while it doesn’t for others.
It seems to work under certain conditions, but not in others.
In fact, results seem totally arbitrary… hit-or-miss… not even marking a 50/50 chance of success.
We hear about the relatively small amount of positive results… but we hear little about the alarming failure rate that’s the dreadful reality for the majority of the millions of faithful practitioners around the globe.
So what’s the deal with that? Are we missing something here?
As you probably know, you’re often taught to focus on what you want.
And obviously, focusing on what you want is much better than focusing on what you don’t want.
But judging from the results for most people… the ‘focusing on what you want’ in the way people are currently doing it hasn’t led to consistent manifesting.
So could it be that there’s an element that doesn’t get the emphasis it requires?
You can bet your sweet bippy there is. That element is ‘love’.
“What, you mean how I love my spouse? You mean I need to do the wild thing for this stuff to work? Why didn’t you say so right away?!”
Well “Tone Loc”… before you rip off all your clothes… I’m not really referring to that kind of love.
What I’m referring to is a more universal game of love… which is a whole different ballgame compared to the regular game of fancying someone and ‘getting busy’.
Let me explain…
First of all, it would go too far to get into a full exposition of the nature of the ocean of consciousness that we call ‘the universe’ here, and how you’re an inseparable part of it… true enough with unique point of perception… but seamlessly connected to the whole nonetheless.
Our other articles and our Revolutioniz package go into more details of that… and especially our upcoming ‘Crack Your Egg’ program goes into a mind-blowing amount of detail of the mechanics of that.
For the purposes of this article, suffice it to say that ‘universal love’ is the balance of all… stillness… peace of mind… which can take on many forms.
In this regard, universal love can be considered things like:
Acceptance of yourself for who you really are…
Acceptance of others for who they really are…
Freedom to express uniqueness… without seeking to impose anything on anyone else…
Projecting this at yourself, ‘universal love’ is the freedom for you to be who you really want to be… the person who you truly are inside… which is not necessarily what others think you should be.
Projecting this at others, ‘universal love’ is the freedom for others to be who they really want to be… the persons who they truly are inside… not what you or anyone else think they should be.
‘Universal love’ in that regard is never seeking to impose anything on anyone (including yourself)… and simply allowing unique creative energies to manifest themselves naturally… without the artificially imposed norms coloring the definition of how that should take place.
(This is part of what we call the ‘Law of Love’ in our Revolutioniz program.)
And this is exactly what most people seem to forget in life…
I mean, let’s be honest:
What are you trying to “manifest” in life?
Your heart’s true desires?
Or the externally imposed symbols that are collectively decreed to be the essentials of ‘success’?
People get into this whole ‘Law of Attraction’ thing because they want to live the life of their dreams… But let me ask you:
What is the ‘life of your dreams’ anyway?
Is it living the artificial image of what others think you should be?
Of course not. It’s the life of being who they truly are inside, and the happiness and abundance in any area that come with living that image.
The thing is this:
You already know at the deepest level of your being what you desire. And so there’s no need to put any additional focus on it. You’re automatically doing that, once you reconnect to the core of who you really are and love yourself for being that!
Now… to make that reconnection, you need to remove the obstacles to the awareness of who you really are. In other words, you need to crack your egg.
Once you do that, you give full expression to your true nature… the unique expression of ‘consciousness’ that you really are.
So here’s what’s going wrong for most people:
Most people get interested in the ‘Law of Attraction’ because of the possibilities they see for effortless personal material gain and selfish interests.
Now don’t get me wrong, because there’s nothing inherently wrong with material wealth, as has been clearly explained in earlier articles or ours.
If you’ve read our earlier articles, you know that these material objects are frequency patterns anyway… mere illusions just like everything else. It’s okay to enjoy them. No problem at all.
However, they become a problem once they’re seen as the very things that should testify of your alleged ‘success’ in your desires for the confirmation of other people that you’re okay.
This desire for other people’s approval inherently implies that you think you’re not okay, which means that you lack self-love.
After all, if you’d love yourself for who you really are, you wouldn’t have a desire for others to confirm that, would you? As such, it’s important to realize that it’s never materialism or the desire for personal gain that manifests your desires. As long as your desires are motivated by such selfish interests, you can visualize all day long… but you’ll never get what you really want.
Again, the material objects themselves are not the problem… As said, they’re just frequency patterns that are more than okay to enjoy. But the missing element to consistent manifesting here is LOVE.
That’s what’s love’s got to do with it.
Do you think that your efforts in practicing the principles of leveraging the Law of Attraction will work for you if you don’t even allow yourself to live your life the way you really want to live it deep down inside? Love is not a feeling or emotion. It’s the essence of who you are. You may have been taught that you need to think positive thoughts to attract positive things…
You may have been taught to think thoughts that make you feel good, give you warm feelings, and so on…
But most people are forgetting to pay attention to the one thing that completely outperforms any artificially created positive thought:
‘Love’ – the universal freedom to express consciousness in your unique and natural way.
Achievement derived from this state of being produces a sense of accomplishment and joy that’s much more enduring than achievements (if they occur in the first place) resulting from selfish aims.
And besides, that state of loving yourself for who you really are and allowing yourself to express that in your life is the starting point for anything you choose to enjoy from there… even material wealth.
The difference would be that you have no need for it anymore in order to confirm that you’re okay… You’ll already know that you’re okay. You can playfully enjoy it if you choose, but you’ll have let go of the ‘wanting it at all cost’.
So where to start?
Well, ask yourself:
- What are your strengths?
- What do you excel in?
- What are your unique talents?
- What can you do better than most others?
- What are your passions?
- What makes your heart sing?
- What can you do for hours, that makes you lose track of time and fills you with energy and joy?
Whatever your answer is, make time for that in your life. Then see if you can use what you’re doing for the benefit of others… no matter how small-scale your reach is at first.
Enjoy the flow you’ll experience. And then just watch what happens in your life!
As the Beatles song goes:
“All you need is love!” ;-)
Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram are the instigators of the alleged ‘Great Revolution’, which provides the members with truthful instructions regarding the universal principles of life.
The Revolution is receiving increasingly widespread attention for its straightforward explanations and instructions with regard to complex issues, which are made understandable for people from all walks of life. In essence, the true secrets of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and the other ‘Universal Laws’ are explained in much clearer and practical ways than the 'enigmas wrapped in riddles' that usually characterize the descriptions of the Law of Attraction and its application.
More information on the Great Revolution, on joining and on the ‘universal principles of life’ (the true ‘Universal Laws’) can be found by Clicking Here!
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