So let me ask you ... What do you do when you have a great money making idea?
Think about this one for a minute.
What is the process that your mind goes through? Do you turn into the grumbling skeptic? Do you turn into the eternal optimist? What kind of thoughts are going through your head?
The reason that I'm asking you this is because how you react to opportunity or even perceived obstacles will determine your level of success. The fact of the matter is this - people with a wealth consciousness focus on OPPORTUNITY while people with a poverty consciousness focus on the OBSTACLES that are presented in their life.
A word about obstacles ... A great man by the name of Napoleon Hill once said that within every adversity is the seed of an equal or greater benefit. This is a very important concept and one that the "wealth conscious" believe wholeheartedly.
Everything is opportunity! Say this to yourself over and over until you start to believe it. There is no such thing as an obstacle but rather the perception of an obstacle which can be changed. Change comes from the inside. Once you start to believe this you will notice how the obstacles in your life become bridges the goals that we are manifesting.
Do this from now on ... change the words "obstacle" and "problem" to "OPPORTUNITY" from this point forward. Replace those words with OPPORTUNITY in every facet of your life ... even your everyday conversations. If you're about to say, "I have a problem with this person, or this thing, etc." replace it with, "I have an opportunity to ..." and watch how your world opens up to you.
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