Law of Attraction - Rapid Manifestation Using Photoshop

Here's a cool little trick for using the law of attraction. I came up with this rapid manifestation technique a couple of years ago and it is nothing short of amazing. If you saw the movie The Secret you might remember the part where one of the guys says that he'll take his bank statement and write in some zeros at the end. What he was doing, in essence, was training his subconscious mind to accept that he has that amount of money in his bank account.

Here's a way that you can use Photoshop to do the same thing. Photoshop is an expensive program so if you don't already own it and aren't in the graphic design industry then you don't necessarily have to buy it. You can actually download and use the complete program for free for 30 days. There is also a program that you can use for free called GIMP. Do a google search and you should have no problems finding either one of these programs.

Here's what you do ... Take a photo of yourself and crop out the background. Make sure that you are smiling or making a funny face in the photo. Now, you will create a second layer and add in a background of your choice. Maybe add yourself to a background that has a lamborghini in the background or a bunch of money stacks. Whatever you want to rapidly manifest ... put it in this picture or make multiple pictures with all the different things you want to manifest. Try to make it look as realistic as possible.

Save your new photo and download it to your cell phone or set it as your desktop background and let the law of attraction do its work. Funny story, one time I was messing around with Photoshop and I "photoshopped" myself onto the roof of a particular historic landmark in Oregon. I did it as a joke. (We lived in Oregon at the time) A few months later my sister came to visit and we went to that landmark and surprisingly enough there was a way to actually get onto the roof and take pictures! I ended up with a real life picture in the same place that I had created my altered Photoshop picture. The law of attraction can be downright eerie sometimes!

Law of Attraction - Why Am I Not Having Any Luck?

When it comes to the law of attraction and our power to use this law, practice makes perfect. Just like anything else you need to practice in order to get the results that you desire. I remember when I was learning how to play the drums I was having a really difficult time learning how to get all four of my limbs to do something different ... at the same time! Now I'm not a professional drummer or anything but I ended up learning how to play drums and the secret was this ... slow everything waaaaayyyyy down! Take it slow and start small! My initial attempts to play some of the rock songs that I enjoy were incredibly futile because I hadn't yet had enough practice! Instead, what I did was I started to practice simple beats very sloowwwwllyyy. Once I got more comfortable I was able to start trying out new things and before I knew it I was jamming out like a true champ!

The law of attraction is the same way. Start out by trying to attract something small every day. Then try something a little bit bigger, and then a little bit bigger and before you know it you will have attracted everything that you desire using the law of attraction!

Morale of the Story: When it comes to the law of attraction - practice makes perfect, and start small.

Have You Heard of The Robb Report?

For over 30 years, Robb Report magazine has served as the definitive authority on connoisseurship for ultra-affluent consumers. Robb Report not only showcases the products and services available from the most prestigious luxury brands around the globe, but it also provides its sophisticated readership with detailed insight into a range of these subjects, which include sports and luxury automobiles, yachts, real estate, travel, private aircraft, fashion, fine jewelry and watches, art, wine, state-of-the-art home electronics and much more. For connoisseurs seeking the very best that life has to offer, Robb Report remains the essential luxury resource.

If you're currently using the law of attraction to attract a life of luxury then here is a great tool for visualization. There is no better way to get onto a wealth frequency then by watching some of these Robb Report videos which will give you all the insight on the latest luxury vehicles and vacation destinations. I hope you enjoy!

Three Steps to Quickly Attract Millions

My article entitled, "Three Steps to Quickly Attract Millions", was published on Ezine Articles today. Click Here to check it out!

Three Steps to Quickly Attract Millions

Review of The Power by Rhonda Byrne

So I just got done reading The Power by Rhonda Byrne and I found it to be a great supplement to my law of attraction book collection. It is very short and succinct just like The Secret but full of great wisdom on using the law of attraction to manifest the life of your dreams. The Power is broken up into 12 chapters which discuss the different ways that you can harness the law of love and use it to co-create your life. One of  the nice things about this book as that each chapter ends with a section entitled "Points of Power" which summarize the most important aspects of the chapter. The law of love is essentially the law of attraction. You attract into your life the things that you focus your love energy on. One of the best lessons that I learned from this book is that I should focus on all the things that I love throughout the day. If something happens that I don't really love then I don't focus on it and bring energy to it by thinking about it and talking about it. Instead, I prefer to focus on the things in my life that I do love, even if those things are just the small conveniences that I get to enjoy in my life. What I've noticed since I started doing this is that more of the convenient things are beginning to show up in my experiences.

Another great technique that I came up with which was inspired by this book is what I like to refer to as the "Cancel, Cancel" technique. Here's what I do. If I'm on the wrong vibration and having negative thoughts I just simply command my subconscious mind to cancel the thought. I say in my head, or out loud if no one is around, "Cancel, Cancel ... What are some things that you love?" I then start to go through a list of things that I love about my life and I don't stop until I've gained control of my thoughts once again. Try this out for a week and see what happens.

Overall, The Power is a great book to have and review from time to time to ensure that you are using the law of attraction in the most effective way possible. And remember, next time you're having thoughts of doubt, or worry, just simply CANCEL, CANCEL!

The Law of Attraction and ‘Success’ – What Is ‘Success’ Anyway?!

Everyone seems to strive to be ‘successful’ in life. We all look to apply the ‘Law of Attraction’ to gain ‘success’.

But what is ‘success’? What makes you successful, and what makes you a ‘failure’?

To answer this question, let’s first take a look at our world. Our societies are completely focused on our five senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. Our five senses are constantly stimulated. They are enticed and exploited all the time.

It is therefore no surprise that we tend to focus our minds on materialism 24 hours per day. We tend to focus all the time on big cars, big houses, lots of money in the bank, and so on.

There is nothing wrong with that in itself. Neither does this mean that being ‘spiritual’ equals being poor and living in a dump. That doesn’t make sense either. The problem is not with the ‘material’ objects themselves. I’ll get back to this later.

First, I’d like to know this… So many people want to ‘attract a new car’. But what is it with cars anyway? Somehow the car has become a symbol of status, of ‘success’. I know a number of people (even some well-known ones) who are so obsessed with their cars, they even give names to their car.

A friend of mine had a car and was really proud of it. He called this car ‘Infinity’. Another friend of mine doesn’t care the least bit about what kind of car he drives. Still, he needed to buy a car the other day to be able drive to work. But because he didn’t really care about it, he simply bought the first set of wheels that he liked even just a bit and of which he thought the price was right for him. “If I can drive to work and back with it, then that’s a great car for me”, he thought.

He bought himself a pretty old car to be honest. It certainly didn’t look that fancy. The other friend would have dubbed it a piece of junk. But this guy couldn’t care less. In fact, he could see the fun of it. In response to my other friend who called his car ‘Infinity’, this guy decided to give his car a name too. He called it ‘Finity’.

I kid you not, this is a true story. What it illustrates is the relativity of ‘status’ and ‘success’. What one person would consider being dignified, could be considered by the next person as pathetic.

Get Ready for the Manifestivities!

So you’re looking to transform your life into something ‘better’ than it seems to be right now…

You’ve now reached the point where you’re seeking to work with what’s popularly called the ‘Law of Attraction’ to attract the experiences, circumstances, people, etc. that you associate with the ‘new and improved’ image of your life.

You’re seeking to learn how to actually bring about this transformation.

Well, here’s the catch:

What we call ‘transformation’ is actually a process of deprogramming. It’s not so much learning as it is unlearning.

The thing is that you’ve always been a unique aspect of the ‘infinite awareness’ that connects us all. It’s just that all kinds of programming and conditioning have disconnected most of us from that understanding.

Actually, the way out is to remove the dirt that lies between you and the daylight. Most people have encased themselves in limited beliefs, which manifest energetically in dense electromagnetic fields that basically ‘block your vision’ from the daylight.

You’re still ‘infinite awareness’ in your core, and you still ‘attract’ your experiences.

But once you make the conscious decision that you want to break out and bring about a transformation and change your life, the experiences you attract are tailored to break down those energetic walls around you that block your vision.

As soon as the walls of limitation tumble down, more of your natural ‘awareness’ can flow through you, and your ‘reality’ will start to change as your programmed perceptions are rewritten.

An important part of this process is to listen to your intuition instead of just rationalizing everything based on your conditioned beliefs. There’s this ‘intuitively knowing’ voice inside of you that knows what’s right for you in general, rather than what you might rationally think is right for you at the time.

This is something we’ve been talking about in previous articles…

True enough, the process of ‘transformation’ will bring challenges. But if you stick with your intuition through all of these experiences (nice and less pleasant), after a while your life changes BECAUSE OF what you’ve experienced going through these challenges, NOT DESPITE OF it.

This is a profound realization, and this will also be something we’ll get into in our next article.

But many people give up entirely, degrading this whole concept of ‘attraction’ as mumbo-jumbo the moment the going gets a little tough.

“This wasn’t what I wanted to attract! This doesn’t work!”

Well, actually it does. You’re attracting the very experiences designed to break through whatever is keeping you from experiencing your desired reality.

As mentioned, we’ll get into more details of this in the next article.

But for now, it’s first important to realize once again that understanding the power of attention is the first thing you need and absolutely vital to regaining control of your life experience.

“Energy flows where attention goes.”

There’s this parable of a Cherokee Native American who was teaching his grandchildren about life:

I Can't Believe My Eyes!

“I can’t believe my eyes”, people say…

Well, they shouldn’t either. Because you’re eyes don’t actually see.

They’re merely lenses that pass on information to the visual cortex in the brain. And only there do you see.

So you actually see with your brain, not with your eyes. “I saw it with my own brain!” would be a better way to put it.

After all, we decode the visible frequencies of light that our eyes pick up into ‘physical reality’. Your eyes don’t send images to your brain of 3D street scenes or whatever we think we see outside of us.

They perceive frequencies and then send them to the brain in the form of electrical signals. And your brain decodes those signals into an apparent 3D reality that we think is outside of us.

What we see is ‘light’, as it’s reflected by what’s called ‘luminous matter’. ‘Luminous matter’ reflects electromagnetic light, which your eyes can perceive.

But 95% (at least) of the mass in the universe is known as ‘dark matter’ or ‘dark energy’. This ‘stuff’ doesn’t reflect light, and therefore can’t be seen by us humans. However, it can be measured by its effect on the part of the universe that we can ‘see’. That’s how we know it’s there.

But anyway, the only light we can see is the light reflected within the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. And we only see those particular frequencies within that electromagnetic spectrum. And actually, it’s only a fraction of the spectrum that can be accessed by our human vision:

But there’s even more…

The electromagnetic spectrum is only 0.005% of the estimated mass of the universe. And human sight can see only a tiny fraction of these electromagnetic frequencies. So imagine how little of the universe we can actually perceive and decode into ‘physical’ reality!

We’re virtually blind!

The truth is that we only see what the brain tells us to see. And let’s take a quick look at what happens before we actually ‘see’:

The Law of Attraction and the Ultradian Rest Response

Few things are as important to ‘attraction’ (or rather your act of ‘creation’) as what some scientists call the ‘ultradian rest response’.  You may have never heard of this before, but it’s one of the keys to bringing about in your life what you want to see.
You see, there is a great difference between ‘thinking’ and ‘knowing’. Thinking is a purely intellectual activity. It mainly takes place as electrochemical processes in your body and brain.

‘Knowing’ on the other hand, transcends intellect. It is what is often called ‘intuition’. Intuition is often defined as ‘immediate knowing’, without the conscious use of reasoning. There is no sequence of thoughts following up on each other leading to an outcome. It’s just there, instantly. Bang! You suddenly get it.


It appears to be stemming from a whole different source of awareness compared to the ‘rational mind’ or intellect that we tend to use so much in our lives.

In our modern societies, we find ourselves under so much pressure to ignore intuition and to rationalize everything that happens. We’d rather go with our ‘heads’ than go with our ‘hearts’. We learn that from an early age in our education system, which puts the main focus on the left part of the brain, the intellectual and analytical part.

As a consequence, if you’re like most people, you tend to ‘overrationalize’ everything. You regularly get the feeling that you want to do something, and it really makes your heart sing. But then your intellect rears its ugly head, and suppresses the ‘intuitive knowing’ you just experienced by using the limiting thoughts and emotions that have been dominating your being and thinking for long. You start to think and feel things like:

“Oh dear, who am I to think I can do that?”
“Oh my, what will my mother say?”
“Goodness, what will the boys at the bar think if I do that?”
“Dear me, my parents will get angry for not doing something with my education…”
“That can’t be right. Scientists say that this is not true. Who am I to think otherwise?”

Thoughts like this have ruled most people for all their lives and forced them into submission. The repetition that has been going on for years has created ‘habits’ to go with the ‘head’ all the time instead of the ‘heart’. The moment you have intuitive knowing and your heart starts to sing, you immediately begin to doubt it and you’re pulled back into line.

“I can’t do that, it’s not responsible. What about my job?”
“I’d love to do this, but…”
“If I could ever do this… Nah, I can’t do that. I must have gone mad.”
“What will the neighbours think?”

You’re systematically pulled in line, back to the image of artificially imposed norms of what ‘society’ or others think you are supposed to be. It is ignoring the deepest core of yourself, and the intelligence of the magnitude that you are deep inside.

The Greatest Advice Of All Time?

So why are you interested in the ‘Law of Attraction’ anyway?

Obviously, it’s about doing what you really want to do with your life.

We’ve said it repeatedly, quoting the wise man’s adage:

Money and fame do not happiness make.

Of course, they may help in being happy. For example, it’s pretty nice not having to worry about money. Let’s face it… Most people like money. And others like fame, and many like both.

The thing is… money and fame are usually merely external confirmations of the fact that you’re being happy and doing what you want with your life already.

If you are, money and fame are usually no issues anymore. You either don’t care about them because you’re being happy anyway. Or (many times) they may come as side-effects, or symptoms caused by the fact that you’re already being happy with yourself and your life.

That’s where the principle of being happy and grateful for what happens to you and the situation you’re in is relevant.

Clearly, money and fame are really different things compared to the desire for money and fame. The desire for implies that you’re not being happy and grateful right now, thinking you need money and/or fame in order to be happy and do what you want with your life.

This underlying feeling of needing (and thus the deeply-engrained feeling of lack) determines what you send out… the frequency you broadcast if you will. And this frequency ‘attracts’ a like frequency, and this is the mechanism through which needing pushes things away in a very small nutshell.

Anyway, this is something we’ve talked about more at length in other articles, so we’re not going to repeat this anymore.

The ‘Law of Attraction’ - What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Let’s face it:
For most people… trying to “manifest their desires” through thinking, visualizing, acting, and so on according to the prevailing principles of leveraging the ‘Law of Attraction’ to their advantage seems to yield little result… if any result at all.

It seems to work for some people, while it doesn’t for others.
It seems to work under certain conditions, but not in others.
In fact, results seem totally arbitrary… hit-or-miss… not even marking a 50/50 chance of success.

We hear about the relatively small amount of positive results… but we hear little about the alarming failure rate that’s the dreadful reality for the majority of the millions of faithful practitioners around the globe.

So what’s the deal with that? Are we missing something here?

As you probably know, you’re often taught to focus on what you want.
And obviously, focusing on what you want is much better than focusing on what you don’t want.

But judging from the results for most people… the ‘focusing on what you want’ in the way people are currently doing it hasn’t led to consistent manifesting.

So could it be that there’s an element that doesn’t get the emphasis it requires?

You can bet your sweet bippy there is. That element is ‘love’.

“What, you mean how I love my spouse? You mean I need to do the wild thing for this stuff to work? Why didn’t you say so right away?!”

Well “Tone Loc”… before you rip off all your clothes… I’m not really referring to that kind of love.

What I’m referring to is a more universal game of love… which is a whole different ballgame compared to the regular game of fancying someone and ‘getting busy’.

Let me explain…

Another Secret of the Movie 'The Secret'

The past few years, with an absolute peak in 2006 as the movie ‘The Secret’ was exposed to hundreds of thousands, an ever growing number of people are slowly waking up to the knowledge that there might just be more to life than the often robot-like existence of daily routines they lead.

With movies like ‘The Secret’ and ‘What the Bleep Do We Know’, and books like ‘The Attractor Factor’ by Joe Vitale and the resurfacing of ‘The Law of Success’ and 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill, people increasingly realize that they can have much more success in life, if only they knew ‘the secret’ that all these sources talk about.

Still, although hundreds of thousands of people have seen the movie ‘The Secret’, why are so few people living their ultimate lifestyle? Why aren’t all those people living the success they long for so bad? The success that all these movies promise them? Is there an another secret to movies like ‘The Secret’?

The obvious answer is ‘yes’. If there weren’t, every person having seen the movie ‘The Secret’ would be living the lifestyle of their dreams, would be ‘attracting’ everything they long for, and would be ‘manifesting’ everything they desire into their lives ‘without any conscious effort’.

At least, isn’t that what you would think after watching movies like ‘The Secret’?

Let me tell you what the problem is, what is also the cause of so many people still not achieving their desires and dreams, and what is also the additional ‘secret’ or ‘edge’ to the movie ‘The Secret’ and others. The problem rests in a psychological phenomenon called ‘selective retention’.

In simple terms, ‘selective retention’ means that you only remember the things you want to hear. In other words, you filter out the things you’d rather not hear. Let’s relate this to the contents of movies like ‘The Secret’ and other films and books with regard to this subject.

What we can agree upon is that all these movies like ‘The Secret’ and books like ‘The Attractor Factor’ are about a Universal Law called ‘The Law of Attraction’. According to the Law of Attraction, you can supposedly attract and manifest anything you want or desire into your life, based on what you focus your thoughts.

That’s the secret, according to the movie ‘The Secret’.

What I can tell you upfront is that the Law of Attraction is real, but only to an extent. There are very important nuances to its application, which movies like ‘The Secret’ either don’t tell you about, or which you filter out through the psychological process of ‘selective retention’.

Reality Creation Part 1 – Living In Trance

In our free book on the nature of your own power we already indicated how you literally create your own reality based on the belief systems engrained in your consciousness. A great deal of the information that enters your eyes is ‘edited’ by your brain based on these conditioned belief systems to create in image that matches your engrained worldview.

Consider this, for example. Your eyes have a blind spot where the optic nerve connects to the eye in the middle of the retina. You can’t see anything with that part of your eye. Still, your brain manages to weave a picture together from the information it receives and fills the gap by making assumptions based on what it expects from its conditioned belief systems.

Another example is the condition that is commonly referred to as the ‘phantom limb syndrome’. People dealing with phantom limb syndrome experience the sensations of having a limb that was actually amputated or lost to still be attached to the body and still actually feeling the limb. The five senses still seem to react to the brain’s conditioned sense of reality.

Even more astonishing examples can be seen in the field of hypnosis. Everyone knows about the experiences in stage shows, in which people are made to believe they are seeing the audience naked, or they run around like a chicken and things like that.

Another common example is that the hypnotist makes the subjects believe they are eating onions while thinking they’re eating apples. As an observer you can clearly see that the person is eating an onion, usually expressing clear signs of disgust at the mere thought of it. However, to the person that is hypnotized, the onion actually tastes like an apple.

What happens is that the hypnotist implants a new belief that changes the experience of the person being hypnotized. A new ‘hypnotic reality’ is created based on a new belief system, namely that an onion tastes like an apple. To the person that is being hypnotized, this reality is just as ‘real’ as the one in his or her ‘awakened state’.

In his book The Holographic Universe, the late Michael Talbot describes another experience with hypnosis. He recalls a gathering with a group of friends, and for entertainment purposes his father hired a professional hypnotist. One of the friends was called Tom, and Tom was the lucky guy to get hypnotized.

Rich People Focus on Opportunity, Poor People Focus On Obstacles

So let me ask you ... What do you do when you have a great money making idea?

Think about this one for a minute.

What is the process that your mind goes through? Do you turn into the grumbling skeptic? Do you turn into the eternal optimist? What kind of thoughts are going through your head?

The reason that I'm asking you this is because how you react to opportunity or even perceived obstacles will determine your level of success. The fact of the matter is this - people with a wealth consciousness focus on OPPORTUNITY while people with a poverty consciousness focus on the OBSTACLES that are presented in their life.

A word about obstacles ... A great man by the name of Napoleon Hill once said that within every adversity is the seed of an equal or greater benefit. This is a very important concept and one that the "wealth conscious" believe wholeheartedly.

Everything is opportunity! Say this to yourself over and over until you start to believe it. There is no such thing as an obstacle but rather the perception of an obstacle which can be changed. Change comes from the inside. Once you start to believe this you will notice how the obstacles in your life become bridges the goals that we are manifesting.

Do this from now on ... change the words "obstacle" and "problem" to "OPPORTUNITY" from this point forward. Replace those words with OPPORTUNITY in every facet of your life ... even your everyday conversations. If you're about to say, "I have a problem with this person, or this thing, etc." replace it with, "I have an opportunity to ..." and watch how your world opens up to you.